Supporting a new Task in RMF

With the release of RMF Task V2, users can now construct custom tasks according to their specific needs. Different combination or sequence of robotic tasks can be dispatched to a specified robot or to the best available fleet based on the users' preferences.

The new flexible task system introduces the concept of a Phase. A task is an object that generates phases. In other words, a task is typically made up of a series or combination of phases as its building blocks. For example, a delivery task would require a robot to complete the following steps:

  1. Move from its current waypoint to a pick-up location
  2. Pick up the delivery payload
  3. Move from the pick up location to the drop-off location
  4. Drop off the payload
  5. Move back to the initial starting waypoint

Each of these steps can be considered a Phase. Users can use the following public API phases to construct their own tasks:

Additional phase descriptions, including those supporting the public API phases, are defined and listed here. They will be useful for building your own custom task.

Certain tasks may require specific phases that are not mentioned above. For example, if a delivery task involves the robot moving from the first to second level, it would require a RequestLift phase. Such phases are used by RMF internally and automatically added to a task when necessary, so users do not need to worry about them when creating their custom tasks.

Building a Custom Task

Users can build and send their own tasks by publishing ApiRequest messages. You will need to fill in the request_id and json_msg fields according to the types of phases that make up the task, as well as whether the task is intended for a specific robot or the best available fleet. You may follow these steps to construct your own task:

  1. Create an ApiRequest publisher that sends task requests via the /task_api_requests topic.
  2. Fill in the request_id field with a unique string ID that can be used to identify the task.
  3. For the json_msg field,
    • Use the robot_task_request schema and fill in the JSON payload type with "robot_task_request" to send a task request to a specific robot
    • Use the dispatch_task_request schema and fill in the JSON payload type with "dispatch_task_request" to send a task request to the best available fleet
    • The request fields for these objects follow the task_request schema
  4. Populate the object fields with the required information.
    • The category and description fields under the task_request schema take in the string name of the task and the task description respectively. The JSON schema for these descriptions can be found here. There are currently four task descriptions available:
      • Clean: create your own clean task, requires the Clean phase description
      • Compose: create your own custom task that may comprise of a sequence of phases, requires descriptions for the relevant phases
      • Delivery: create your own delivery task, requires the PickUp and DropOff phase descriptions
      • Patrol: create your own patrol task, requires the Place description to indicate where you would like your robot to go to
  5. Publish the ApiRequest!

Examples of JSON Task Requests

For a Clean dispatch_task_request:

  "type": "dispatch_task_request",
  "request": {
    "unix_millis_earliest_start_time": start_time,
    "category": "clean",
    "description": {
      "zone": "clean_lobby"

For a Compose robot_task_request that commands a specific robot to go to a place, followed by performing a teleop action:

  "type": "robot_task_request",
  "robot": "tinyRobot1",
  "fleet": "tinyRobot",
  "request": {
    "category": "compose",
    "description": {
      "category": "teleop",
      "phases": [
        {"activity": {
          "category": "sequence",
          "description": {
            "activities": [
              {"category": "go_to_place",
               "description": "coe"
              {"category": "perform_action",
                "description": {"category": "teleop", "description": "coe"}

For a Delivery dispatch_task_request:

  "type": "dispatch_task_request",
  "request": {
    "category": "delivery",
    "description": {
      "pickup": {
        "place": "pantry",
        "handler": "coke_dispenser",
        "payload": [
          {"sku": "coke",
           "quantity": 1}
      "dropoff": {
        "place": "hardware_2",
        "handler": "coke_ingestor",
        "payload": [
          {"sku": "coke",
           "quantity": 1}

For a Patrol robot_task_request:

  "type": "robot_task_request",
  "robot": "tinyRobot1",
  "fleet": "tinyRobot",
  "request": {
    "category": "patrol",
    "description": {
      "places": ["pantry", "lounge"],
      "rounds": 2

Some examples of composed task requests can be found here as reference. They can be used with rmf_demos. Feel free to modify these files according to your own application.

Task Management Control

You may take additional control over your tasks by sending requests to RMF to cancel a task or skip a phase. A full list of JSON schemas for such requests are defined here.